Check out some of my writings
Secretly, I've always wanted to learn 3D modeling and Blender, but I thought that I would need 3+ lifetimes to pursue all of the concurrent interests that I ha…
Based on the BoardGameGeek data fetched with the Python script I've created before, I have made some SQL data exploration for the datasets that are available i…
I've updated the Python script for fetching items` data from BoardGameGeek and storing the data as CSV file that can be used for further Data Analyisis.
A Python script for fetching board games data from BoardGameGeek and storing it as CSV file that can be used for further Data Analyisis.
The idea was to create a simple platform for DEA agents, to manage information about characters from the Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul universe. To make the DE…
A couple of months ago I purchased a few WiFi Smart Switches with the intention of making my home a bit smarter and a somewhat automated. Months have passed an…
I always wanted to mess around with programming. I studied International Relations and right after that, at the beginning of my working days, I started as a Lo…